Category: P

  • Postlumbar puncture headache

    A headache occurring after a spinal tap that is felt mostly in the front and the back of the head. It is markedly worse when the patient sits up, and better when the patient lies down. The headache is sometimes associated with double vision.  

  • Percussion hammer

    A hammer with a rubber head used for tapping surfaces of the body in order to produce sounds for diagnostic purposes.  

  • Parietal gyrus

    A gyrus of the parietal lobe; the largest are the postcentral, supramarginal, and angular.  

  • Paraterminal gyrus

    A small area of the cerebral cortex anterior to the lamina terminalis and below the rostrum of the corpus callosum.  

  • Paracentral gyrus

    The area on the medial aspect of the cerebrum above the cingulate sulcus.  

  • Perceptual grouping

    The processing of information derived from nerves in the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin, and any other sensory structures. This function helps in understanding the environment and forming a coherent image of what is perceived.  

  • Pterygopalatine groove

    The groove on the maxillary surface of the perpendicular portion of the palatine bone that, with corresponding grooves on the maxilla and pterygoid process of the sphenoid, transmits the palatine nerve and descending palatine artery.  

  • Primitive groove

    In the embryo, a shallow groove in the primitive streak of the blastoderm, bordered by the primitive folds.  

  • Peroneal groove

    A shallow groove on the lateral aspect of the calcaneus and a deep groove on the inferior surface of the cuboid bone. Each transmits the tendon of the peroneus longus muscle.  

  • Palatine groove

    One of several grooves on the inferior surface on the palatine process of the maxilla. They contain the palatine vessels and nerves.