Category: P
Psychogenic pain
Pain having rhental, as opposed to organic, origin. Pain triggered by mental or emotional factors rather than a physical origin. Ongoing pain without a clear physical reason might stem from a psychological condition.
Pseudomyelic pain
The false sensation of movement in a paralyzed limb or of no movement in a moving limb; not a true pain.
Premonitory pain
Ineffective contractions of the uterus before the beginning of true labor.
Precordial pain
Pain felt in the center of the chest (e.g., below the sternum) or in the left side of the chest.
Periodontal pain
A discrete, well-localized pain caused by inflammation of tissues surrounding a tooth. This may be contrasted with the throbbing, nonlocalized pain typical of a toothache or pulpal pain.
Paresthesic pain
A stinging or tingling sensation manifested in central and peripheral nerve lesions.
A form of pica characterized by excessive consumption of ice or ice drinks. Causally associated with iron-deficiency anemia.
Page turner
An assistive technology device for persons with limited or absent upper extremity movement; used to turn the pages of a book.
Paget-Schreutter syndrome
Deep venous thrombosis in the axillary and/or subclavian vein. The condition is usually recognized in athletes or laborers who use (or overuse) the upper extremities (e.g., in sports). It may produce uncomfortable swelling of the arm with dilation of the superficial veins. The diagnosis is confirmed with ultrasonography and treated with anticoagulants, thrombolytic drugs, or…
Page kidney
Compression of a kidney, usually by a hematoma or tumor, with resulting hypertension.