Category: P
That which causes paralysis.
To cause temporary or permanent loss of muscular power or sensation.
Pseudobulbar paralysis
Paralysis caused by cerebral center lesions, simulating the bulbar types of paralysis. A disorder impacting speech, chewing, and swallowing, caused by nerve pathway abnormalities.
Primary periodic paralysis
The occurrence of intermittent weakness, usually following rest or sleep and almost never during vigorous activity. The condition usually begins in early life and rarely has its onset after age 25. The attacks may last from a few hours to a day or more. The patient is alert during an attack.
Posticus paralysis
Paralysis of the posterior cricothyroid muscles.
An incorrectly chosen word inserted into speech, especially in patients with fluent aphasias.
Parallel trial
A research study in which groups of patients are followed for the same time but are given different treatments; e.g., one group may receive an inactive substance while another is treated with a drug whose effectiveness must be determined. The impact of the drug can thus be compared with the placebo at varying times, such…
A device used in dentistry to determine whether lines and tooth surfaces are parallel to each other.
The apparent movement or displacement of objects caused by change in the observer’s position or by movement of the head or eyes. The apparent shift or disparity in the perceived direction of an object when observed from two distinct points that are not aligned in a straight line with the object.
An abnormal sensation that is painful.