Category: P
The presence and buildup of atypical amyloid in tissues.
A form of aphasia in which the ability to render music correctly is lost.
A glycoprotein found in ovarian and some other cysts.
A supernumerary tooth close to a molar.
The use of gestures that are inappropriate to the spoken words that they accompany.
Paramedian incision
A surgical incision, especially of the abdominal wall, close to the midline. A cut made to the side of the central part of the body, organ, or structure being addressed has various forms. For example, a cut made to the right side of the abdomen’s center, below the belly button, is termed a lower right…
Inflammation around the breast.
Having a small supernumerary flagellum next to a larger one.
A type of emotional disturbance in which the individual derives pleasure from complaining.
Anything that is attracted by the poles of a magnet and becomes parallel to the lines of magnetic force. A substance, such as platinum, that exhibits a weak attraction towards a magnet.