Category: P
Having an attraction for parasites, especially certain drugs that act chiefly on parasites in the body.
A disease or condition resulting from parasitism.
One who specializes in the science of parasitology.
To infest or infect with a parasite.
The state or condition of being infected or infested with parasites. The concept that I shall endeavor to expound upon is the partial or complete reliance on the tissues of another living individual by an organism or virus in order to acquire its nutritional needs.
Parasitic disease
A disease resulting from the growth and development of parasitic organisms (plants or animals) in or on the body.
Permanent parasite
A parasite, such as a fluke or an itch mite, that lives on its host until maturity or spends its entire life on its host.
Periodic parasite
A parasite that lives on the host for short periods of time.
Recombination without sexual reproduction, as in fungi.
Inflammation of the tissues around an oviduct or a eustachian tube. Inflammation of the tissues surrounding a Fallopian tube.