Category: P
Pachyderma laryngis
Enlargement of the vocal cords resulting from persistent laryngitis.
Unusual thickening of the skull.
Pulmonary osteoarthropathy
This condition, known as “clubbing,” is marked by the bulbous swelling of the fingertips and toes, as well as the thickening of the ends of long bones and an unusual curvature of the nails. It is typically linked to lung or chest-related issues leading to circulatory congestion and can also manifest in congenital heart disease.…
Puerperal tubal occlusion
Obstruction of the Fallopian tubes after childbirth is often a result of an inflammatory response. This condition can lead to what’s known as “one-child infertility.” After addressing the inflammation, the tube can typically be reopened using a procedure that involves inflating it with gas under pressure.
Parrot’s nodes
A bone protrusion on the skulls of infants born with congenital syphilis. Bony projections observed on the frontal and parietal bones of the skull in cases of hereditary syphilis.
Phosphorus necrosis
A type of bone necrosis, particularly affecting the lower jaw, found in individuals exposed to phosphorus fumes. It is also known as phossy-jaw.
Pigmented mole
A colored mark on the skin.
Posterior mediastinum
This region includes a segment of the aorta, the esophagus, and various other veins and nerves.
Progressive lenticular degeneration
A rare, progressive nervous system disorder of unknown origin, typically affecting children within the same family. This condition always involves liver disease, and the initial neurological symptoms often manifest as involuntary movements of the hands and feet, which can take various forms. Tremors may also develop, intensifying with voluntary movements, and eventually leading to stiffness…
Primitive kidney
The early kidney in the embryo.