Category: P
Inflammation of tissues situated around the gallbladder.
Inflammation of tissues surrounding a bile duct. Inflammation of the tissues surrounding the bile ducts.
Concerning the pericementum (i.e., the periodontal ligament).
Pericarditis obliterans
Pericardial inflammation causing adhesions and obliteration of the pericardial cavity.
Concerning the pericardium and pleura of the lungs.
A surgical procedure designed to increase the blood supply to the heart by joining the pericardium to an adjacent tissue.
Inflammation of the pericardium and mediastinum.
Puncturing or perforation of the pericardium or creation of a pericardial window, for example, to relieve a pericardial effusion responsible for cardiac tamponade. Surgical excision of a portion of the pericardium.
Periarteritis gummosa
Gummas in the blood vessels in syphilis.
Periarteriolar lymphoid sheath
A region of the spleen that encircles the splenic arteries and is composed mostly of T cells. It comprises the tissues sometimes referred to as the white pulp of the organ.