Category: P
An abnormal growth surrounding a bone.
Periorchitis hemorrhagica
A chronic hematocele of the tunica vaginalis of the testis.
Inflammation of the tissues investing a testicle.
Perioperative period
The time immediately before, during, and after surgery.
Inflammation of the tissues around an ovary and oviduct.
Inflammation of the surface membrane of the ovary.
The remnant of the eponychium that persists as a band across the root of the nail.
Located around or near the umbilicus.
Period of reactivity
In obstetrics, an initial episode of activity, alertness, and responsiveness to interaction, characteristic of the physiological and social responses of newborns to stimuli. The first period of reactivity begins with birth, lasts approx. 30 min, and ends when the infant falls into a deep sleep. Common assessment findings include transient tachypnea, nasal flaring, sternal retraction,…
A table or dial for the calculation of the expected date of delivery.