Category: P
Inflammation of tissues about the portal vein.
Inflammation of the tissues surrounding the prostate. Inflammation of the tissues surrounding the prostate gland.
Periportal tracking
In the evaluation of patients with abdominal injuries, the finding of decreased computerized tomographic attenuation around the portal region of the liver. This should be presumed to represent bleeding, which may require operative intervention.
Multiple abscesses around sweat glands, especially as a complication of malaria in children.
In tissue culture, the collecting of lymphocytes around macrophages.
Inflammation of the connective tissues between the pleura and wall of the chest.
Periplaneta americana
The scientific name for the American cockroach. Domestic infestations by P. americana may spread disease to humans by defecating on food or trigger asthma and other allergic reactions in susceptible people. Allergens derived from this cockroach are abbreviated Per a by the World Health Organization.
A genus of cockroaches belonging to the order Orthoptera. Roaches contaminate food by mechanically transporting disease-producing bacteria, ova, and protozoa to the food.
Peripheral zone of the prostate
The lateral border of the prostate gland. Most prostate cancers begin here.
Peripheral neurovascular dysfunction
A state for which an individual is at risk of experiencing a disruption in circulation, sensation, or motion of an extremity.