Category: P
Peritonitis deformans
Chronic peritonitis with a thickened membrane and adhesions that contract and cause retraction of the intestines.
Affected with or concerning peritonitis.
Examination of the peritoneal cavity with a laparoscope.
A long, slender periscope or telescope device with a light at one end and an eyepiece at the other; used to inspect the peritoneal and abdominal cavities through a small incision in the abdominal wall.
Surgery to repair separated or denuded segments of the peritoneum.
Fixation of the uterus via the vagina.
Introduction of fluid into the peritoneal cavity.
Piercing of the peritoneal cavity to obtain fluid.
During abdominal surgery, to cover a tissue with peritoneum.
Peritoneal fluid
The clear straw-colored serous fluid secreted by the cells of the peritoneum. The few milliliters present in the peritoneal cavity moisten the surfaces of the two peritoneal layers and allow them to glide over each other as the intestinal tract changes shape during the process of digestion and absorption. In certain disease states (such as…