Category: P
Persian Gulf syndrome
A term used to describe a variety of symptoms experienced by veterans of the Persian Gulf war, including fatigue, loss of memory, muscle and joint pains, shortness of breath, and gastrointestinal complaints. The cause of these complaints is obscure.
Peroneus tertius
The muscle arising from the anterior portion of the distal one third of the tibia and the adjacent portion of the interosseous membrane and attaching on the dorsal surface of the fifth metatarsal. The peroneus tertius is a secondary contributor to ankle dorsiflexion and eversion. This muscle is absent in a significant proportion of the…
Peroneus longus
The muscle arising from the lateral tibial condyle and the upper two thirds of the fibula and inserting on the lateral aspect of the first metatarsal and the associated portion of the first cuneiform. The peroneus longus is the primary contributor to the plantar flexion of the foot and the eversion of the ankle.
Peroneus brevis
The muscle arising from the distal two thirds of the lateral fibula and attaching to the styloid process of the base of the fifth metatarsal. The peroneus brevis assists in plantar flexion of the foot and eversion of the ankle.
Concerning the fibula and tibia.
Peroneal sign
Eversion and dorsiflexion of the foot resulting from tapping the peroneal nerve with a reflex hammer,
Transformation; complete change; act of altering objects in a group.
Permissible exposure limits
The limits, usually expressed as a combination of time and concentration, to which humans may be safely exposed to physical agents, ionizing radiation, or chemical substances in the environment in general and in work areas specifically.
Penetration of and spreading throughout an organ, tissue, or space.
Any one of the salts of permanganic acid.