Category: P
Displacement of the lens from its normal anatomic location.
Hypersensitivity to protein of the crystalline lens.
Pfannenstiel incision
A transverse curvilinear incision immediately above the pubic symphysis extending from the skin into the peritoneum. The skin incision is continued transversely to include the anterior rectus sheath, which is then reflected superiorly; the bellies of the rectus muscle are separated longitudinally and the peritoneum is incised vertically. This surgical approach is used most often…
To the petrous and squamous portions of the temporal bone.
The petrous part of the temporal bone.
Petro occipital
Concerning the petrous portion of the temporal bone and the occipital bone.
The process of changing into stone or hard substance.
Peter pan syndrome
The reluctance of an adult to adopt traditional male adult behavior.
A frame of mind marked by loss of hope, confidence, or trust in a good outcome, even when such an outcome is likely.
A person who eats a vegetarian diet supplemented by fish.