Category: P
A poisonous peptide from the mushroom Amanita phalloides. Ingestion of this can cause death from fulminant hepatic failure.
Contraction of the penis so that it is almost invisible.
Painful downward curvature of the penis when erect.
Phalen’s test
A maneuver used in the physical diagnosis of carpal tunnel symptoms. The patient is asked to flex the wrists while keeping the fingers extended, typically by placing the dorsa of the wrists together. The test is positive (suggestive of carpal tunnel syndrome) when wrist flexion produces numbness in the distribution of the median nerve. The…
Proximal phalanx
Any phalanx that articulates with a metacarpal or metatarsal bone.
The distal phalanx of a digit.
Phalangeal depth ratio
The thickness of the finger at the base of the nail divided by its thickness at the distal interphalangeal joint. A ratio greater than 1 is indicative of clubbing.
Any genetic neurocutaneous disorders, in which anomalies are spread unevenly through the body.
Inflammation of the crystalline lens of the eye.
The classification of bacteria by their sensitivity to phage types. A specialized classification within a species that is identified by its susceptibility to a specific bacteriophage or by a distinct pattern of susceptibility to a group of specified bacteriophages.