Category: P
Physaloptera caucasica
A species that occurs in and damages the upper gastrointestinal tract.
A genus of nematode worms belonging to the suborder Spiruata.
A large vacuole present in the cell of certain malignancies such as a chondroma.
To a highly vacuolated cell present in a chordoma.
Development and growth of a race or group of animals.
The active defense of the body against infection. The body’s action in protecting itself against infections.
Any natural poison produced by algae, e.g., marine phytoplankton. Examples of phycotoxins include okadaic acid, domoic acid, and yessotoxin.
Phthirus pubis
The crab louse. It infests primarily the pubic region but it may also be found in armpits, beard, eyebrows, and eyelashes.
Chemical compounds used to improve the flexibility of plastics. In health care, phthalates are used in devices such as intravenous tubing. They are also used in numerous consumer goods, including nail polish, soaps, shampoos, and vinyl, among many others. Some evidence suggests these compounds may have carcinogenic, endocrine disruptive, or other toxic effects on adults…
Downward displacement of the diaphragm.