Category: P
In dentistry, a part used for attaching an artificial crown to the base of a natural tooth.
Posterior pituitary
The dried, powdered posterior lobe of the pituitary gland of animals used as food by humans.
Pitre’s section
Any of the series of six coronal vertical sections of the brain for study. The sections are prefrontal, pediculofrontal, frontal, parietal, pediculoparietal, and occipital.
The barrel shaped spindle formed during karyokinesis.
Uraninite, the principal source of uranium. It is a mineral that resembles pitch.
Primitive pit
A minute depression at the anterior end of the primitive groove or streak and immediately posterior to the primitive knot.
A sporozoan protozoan of the subclass Piroplasia, such as the genus Babesia.
Piriformis syndrome
A condition marked by pain in the hip and buttock that radiates up into the lower back and down the leg. In women, the pain may occur during sexual intercourse. This is caused by entrapment of the sciatic nerve as it passes through the piriformis muscle in the buttock. Because the symptoms mimic those caused…
Narrow glass tube with both ends open for transferring and measuring liquids by suctioning them into the tube.
Piper forceps
Forceps designed to deliver the infant’s head during a breech delivery, after other maneuvers to deliver the head have failed.