Category: P
The rupture of a cell with loss of its contents.
Plasmodium ovale
The causative agent of benign tertian or ovale malaria.
Plasmodium malariae
The causative agent of quartan malaria.
Plasmodium falciparum
The causative agent of malignant (falciparum) malaria.
Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
A protein that degrades extracellular tissues. It has been linked to the invasive and metastatic spread of cancers.
Plasma volume expander
A high-molecular-weight compound in a solution suitable for intravenous use. The materials, such as dextran or certain proteins, are used in treating shock caused by loss of blood volume.
Plasma very-long-chain fatty acid assay
A blood test to detect adrenoleukodystrophy in infants suspected of the disease or adrenomye-loneuropathy in adults with progressive paraparesis.
Plasma protein fraction
A standard sterile preparation of serum albumin and globulin obtained by fractionating blood, serum, or plasma from healthy human donors and testing for absence of hepatitis B surface antigen. It is used as a blood volume expander.
Plasma exchange therapy
The removal of plasma from a patient (usually to treat an immmunologically mediated illness such as thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura or myasthenia gravis) and its replacement with normal plasma. Plasma exchange therapy can also be used to replace excessively viscous plasma in patients with Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia. Pathological (disease-causing) antibodies, immune complexes, and protein-bound toxins are removed…
The undifferentiated cell that will mature into a B lymphocyte and ultimately into a plasma cell.