Category: P
The branch of science dealing with force employed in respiration.
A cysto-gram done after air has been introduced into the urinary bladder.
Pneumocystis jiroveci
An opportunistic fungus that causes lung infections in those with immunosuppressive diseases and conditions. It was formerly called pneumocystis carinii.
Destruction or lysis of pneumococci.
The presence of pneumococci in the blood. A condition where the bacterium pneumococcus is found in the blood.
Cholecystitis with gas in the gallbladder.
Air or gas within the biliary ducts, a finding associated primarily with cholecystitis that is caused by gas-forming organisms.
The deposit of moisture on glass from the breath exhaled through the nostrils with the mouth closed for purpose of comparing the airflow through the nostrils.
Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis
The presence of thin-walled gas-filled cysts in the intestines. The cause is unknown. The cysts usually disappear but occasionally rupture and cause pneumoperitoneum.
The science of gases and air and their chemical properties and use in treatment.