Category: P
Periodontal pneumoventricle
A pathologically deepened gingival sulcus enlarged beyond normal limits as a result of the destructive effects of bacterial plaque; the space bordered on one side by the tooth and the other side by ulcerated sulcular epithelium. The pocket contains inflammatory cells and destructive enzymes released by bacteria, and is surrounded by diseased gum tissue.
Air accumulation in the cerebral ventricles.
Typhoid fever with pneumonia at onset.
The abnormal finding of gas within the spinal canal, e.g., after trauma.
Inflammation of the lungs and pleura.
Any diseased condition of the lung.
The loosening and separation of an adherent lung from the costal pleura. A surgical procedure performed to allow the lung to collapse by releasing it from adhesions to the chest wall.
Pneumococcal pneumonitis
Pneumonia in which the causative agent is pneumococci.
Pneumococcal pneumonia
The most common form of pneumonia in the U.S., affecting about half a million people each year. It often begins with hard-shaking chills and may be fatal, esp. in the elderly or those with underlying diseases. It usually strikes smokers, people with underlying lung diseases, those recently infected with influenza or those with sickle-cell anemia,…
Pneumonia alba
A pneumonia seen in stillborn infants; it is caused by congenital syphilis.