Category: P
Placental pole of the chorion
The spot at which the domelike placenta is situated.
Pole of the kidney
The upper and lower extremities of the kidney.
Pole of the eye
The anterior and posterior extremities of the optic axis.
The part of a polariscope that polarizes light.
The study of polarized light by the use of a polariscope.
An apparatus used in the measurement of polarized fight.
The measurement of the amount and rotation of polarized light.
Poland syndrome
A rare developmental anomaly in which one pectoralis muscle and the fingers on the same side of the body are hypoplastic or aplastic. The disease is not genetically transmitted but occurs spontaneously.
Poisoning by unknown substances
Cases in which there is no information concerning the nature of the poison taken, and the signs and symptoms are not recognized as being due to any particular substance. Specific antidotes cannot be given in this situation. There are, however, certain agents that act in a general manner and may be efficacious.
Potato poisoning
Poisoning due to ingestion of potatoes that contain excess amounts of solanine. This toxic substance is present in the potato peel and in the green sprouts. Potatoes usually contain about 7 mg of solanine per 100 g; the toxic dose of solanine is about 20 to 25 g. Boiling, but not baking, removes most of…