Category: P
The inflation of the middle ear by means of a Politzer bag.
Producing a smooth, glossy finish on a denture or a dental restoration.
Provocative poliomyelitis
During an epidemic of poliomyelitis, the onset of paralysis in the area close to the site of an invasive procedure. Thus an injection in muscle increases the risk of paralysis of the side of the body injected; and tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy increases the risk that poliomyelitis will affect the brain stem.
Poliomyelitis with polioencephalitis. A blend of polioencephalitis and poliomyelitis.
Disease of the gray matter of the brain.
Inflammation of the gray matter of the brain and spinal cord and their meninges.
Posterior polioencephalitis
Polioencephalitis involving the gray matter around the fourth ventricle.
Polioencephalitis hemorrhagica
Polioencephalitis accompanied by hemorrhagic lesions.
Destructive to the gray matter of the nervous system.
A mixture of long-chain alcohols derived from sugar cane and other natural sources. It has been promoted as a natural lipid-lowering agent. Studies sponsored by the manufacturer of policosanol have shown striking results, but no effect on lipid levels was found during an independent trial performed in Germany.