Category: O
A shortage of red blood cells in the bloodstream.
Reduced production of bile.
A reduction in blood volume, also referred to as oligohemia.
Related to or similar to the olecranon.
Oculogyral attacks
A sudden upward shift of the eyes, where they seem to fix in that position, is paired with forehead creasing, neck stretching, and other muscle actions related to looking up. This can be a side effect of encephalitis lethargica. These episodes might happen multiple times a day or once every few months and can be…
Occlusive pessary
A rubber birth control device designed to either shield the cervix or block the top of the vagina.
Related to both the occiput and the temporal bones of the skull, or to the occiput and the temporal lobes of the brain.
A term used to describe the position of the baby’s head before birth, where the back of the skull is oriented toward the mother’s spine.
Associated with the occiput and the parietal bones, or with the occiput and the parietal lobes of the brain.
Occupational neurosis
A neurosis related to one’s occupation, seen in professions like manual laborers, typists, musicians, and seamstresses. Essentially, the symptom can become an avoidance mechanism for tasks perceived as frustrating or unfavorable, especially if poorly designed tools are used. For instance, in writer’s cramp, writing becomes progressively challenging. The individual holds the pen too tightly, struggles…