Category: O

  • Odamaki-Mushi

    A custard made with a macaroni-like product, fish paste, ham, mushrooms, leafy vegetables, eggs, and various sauces, steamed and served with lemon juice.  

  • Ocean perch

    The term “ocean perch” is often used to refer to fillets of rosefish, redfish, red perch, and sea perch. The flesh is sturdy, somewhat rough, and rather tasteless, allowing it to be cooked in various methods. The denizen of the sea known commercially as the Atlantic rockfish assumes another moniker: the ocean perch. However, it…

  • Oast cake

    A diminutive pastry consisting of sugar, currants, and lard, flattened and sliced, then fried in a small amount of lard and consumed while still hot from the skillet.  

  • Omega-6 fatty acid

    Essential unsaturated fatty acids, specifically linoleic and arachidonic acid, are vital components for optimal health, yet they cannot be endogenously synthesized within the body.  

  • Omega ratio

    The proportionality between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, whether equilibrated or exhibiting a higher concentration of omega-3s, carries substantial significance in the realm of nutrition.  

  • Obligatory thermogenesis

    The metabolic process known as diet-induced thermogenesis results from the energy required for the digestion and absorption of food, coupled with the anabolic synthesis of macronutrients such as protein, fat, and carbohydrates which are subsequently stored within the organism.  

  • Over-nutrition

    A form of malnutrition that occurs when food is consumed in excess of energy requirement.  

  • Organic compounds

    Substances that hold carbon, aside from hydrogen and oxygen, such as complex carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and vitamins, are considered essential nutrients for human health.  

  • Oligogenic resistance

    Resistance to certain traits or characteristics is often influenced by only a small number of genes, and the impact of these genes on the phenotype can range from significant to minimal, depending on whether they are major or minor genes.  

  • Ooze

    A substance that has a thick, sticky texture can be forced out through a small opening present in a structure of a living plant such as stoma, lenticel, hydathode, wound, and so on.