Category: O
Over-the-counter (OTC) medicine
The same as nonprescription medicine.
Too great a dose of a therapeutic agent such as a medication; a lethal or toxic amount of a therapeutic agent such as a medication.
Oleo gum
Resin a natural exudation from trees and plants that consists mainly of essential oil, gum, and resin.
A therapy that involves massage and manipulation of the joints, especially in the spine, to promote self- healing and correct skeletal misalignment. That system of treating illnesses that are presumed to be caused by pressure of displaced bones upon nerves and are cured by manipulation. A school of healing based on the theory, originally propounded…
Oxalic acid
A substance that, when joined with calcium in the body, forms insoluble salts and hinders iron absorption from food. It is found in such vegetables as spinach, chard, and rhubarb. A toxic acid that occurs in various plants and is found in chocolate. A two-carbon dicarboxylate found in foods especially rhubarb, spinach, parsley, cocoa, and…
Over the counter (OTC)
A designation for a drug that can be sold without a prescription. Common OTCs include laxatives, cough and cold medicines, pain relievers such as aspirin or ibuprofen, and antacids. A description applied in the UK to medicines and drugs that can be obtained from a pharmacist without a doctor’s or dentist’s prescription. Some medications may…
Off-label use
The practice whereby a doctor prescribes a drug or combination of drugs for a condition that has not been specifically approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Once a drug has been approved for one purpose, doctors are generally free to prescribe it to treat any condition. About half of all prescriptions are for…
Occult blood test
A diagnostic test performed on a stool sample for the presence of unseen (occult) blood, which may indicate colon cancer. Also called a fecal occult blood test. A chemical test or microscopic examination for blood, especially in feces, that is not apparent on visual inspection. The test is used as a screening test for cancer…
A sheer, thin fabric made from either silk or synthetic fibers. It is often used to make sheer curtains.
Oregon Grape
A Pacific Northwest barberry which produces bluish-black berries and yellow flowers.