Category: N
Noncommunicating hydrocephalus
Hydrocephalus in which a blockage at any location in the ventricular system prevents flow of cerebrospinal fluid to the subarachnoid space.
Nonprofit hospital
A hospital that is exempt from paying income and property taxes. In such a facility, funds earned are reinvested in the hospital and its services instead of being paid as dividends to shareholders.
Normal histology
The microscopic study of healthy tissue.
Nuckian hernia
A hernia into the canal of Nuck.
Nondominant hemisphere
In neurology, the hemisphere of the brain that does not control speech or the predominantly used hand.
Noise induced hearing loss
Hearing loss that results from exposures to very loud sounds (over 85 dB). The loss is usually most profound at a frequency of 4000 Hz. Working with noisy machinery, listening to loud music, or discharging rifles, guns, or explosives may be causative. Wearing ear plugs or earmuffs may be preventive. Hearing impairment resulting from extended…
Newborn habituation
The rapid development of decreased sensitivity to specific common post birth stimuli, such as environmental noise, light, and heel sticks. This adaptive response protects the newborn against overstimulation.
Nail groove
The space between the nail wall and nailbed. Slits or furrows on the sides of the sidewall.
Neutrophil granule
Any of the cytoplasmic granules of a neutrophil that often stain a pale blue.
Nerve graft
The transplantation of a healthy nerve to replace a segment of a damaged nerve.