Category: N
Nalorphine hydrochloride
A narcotic antagonist used in the treatment of narcotic overdose.
The scientific name of the group of venomous snakes, native to Africa, India, Asia, and Australia, commonly known as cobras. Their venom contains tissue-destroying enzymes that cause local necrosis at the site of a bite and produce cardiotoxic and neurotoxic polypeptides.
Nagi disablement model
A descriptive scheme that describes the progression from pathology or disease to disability. The components are pathology, impairment, functional limitation, and disability. Physical therapists use a modification of this model to make diagnoses and to help direct intervention.
Nonsecretory myeloma
Multiple myeloma is which there is infiltration of the bone marrow by abnormal plasma cells, hypercalcemia, anemia, renal failure, or pathological bone fractures, but in which a monoclonal protein cannot be detected in either the urine or the blood.
Nontuberculous mycobacterium
Any mycobacterium that does not cause tuberculosis. There are four main classes. Three of these groups grow more slowly than M. tuberculosis and one group grows more rapidly. These organisms may cause various skin, lung, or other conditions or they may be harmless.
Non-conservative mutation
A change in DNA that results in the replacement of an amino acid with one that is not biochemically similar, such as serine replaced by proline.
Natural mutation
Mutation occurring without artificial external intervention. Natural mutation is thought to be a primary factor in evolutionary change.
Nasal mucosa
The lining of the nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses, made of pseudostratified ciliated epithelium with goblet cells. The nasal mucosa warms and humidifies the inhaled air, and the cilia sweep mucus-entrapped dust and microbes to the pharynx.
Nude mouse
A mutant mouse, completely devoid of hair and lacking T lymphocytes, bred for use in immunological investigations.
New Zealand black mouse
A mouse bred for the genetic trait of spontaneously developing autoimmune hemolytic anemia.