Category: M
Myoclonus multiplex
Condition marked by persistent and continuous muscular spasms in unrelated muscles.
A glycoprotein that influences or regulates intraocular pressure. Mutations in the myocilin gene are found in some people with glaucoma.
Inflammation of the muscles of the vocal cord.
Myocardial insufficiency
Inability of the heart to perform its usual function, eventually resulting in cardiac failure.
A tumor consisting of cells resembling myoblasts.
To or resembling structural arrangement of muscle or of fibers.
The scientific name for a genus of blister beetle, several species of which (Mylabris phalerata and M. cichorii) have been used in traditional Chinese medicine as a vesicant and antitumor agent. Skin exposure to the crushed body of the beetle results in contact dermatitis. The blistering agent in the beetle, cantharides, is also known as…
Extrusion of a part of the iris through a tear in the cornea.
Myerson’s sign
In Parkinson’s disease, repeated blinking of the eyes in response to tapping the forehead, nasal bridge, or maxilla.
Surgical severance of nerve fibers of the spinal cord.