Category: M
Maximum midexpiratory flow rate
The average airflow during the middle half of a forced vital capacity effort.
Mercurial rash
A rash caused by local application of mercurial preparations.
Maculopapular rash
A rash in which there are discrete macular and papular lesions or a combination of both.
Macular rash
A rash in which the lesions are flat and level with the surrounding skin.
Marital rape
Forcible sexual assault by a spouse at a time when the sexual encounter was neither solicited nor welcome.
Male rape
Sexual assault, usually penetrative, of a man by a man. Estimating the prevalence of male rape is difficult because it often is not reported.
Meningeal ramus
One of the primary branches of a spinal nerve that reenters the vertebral foramen and supplies the meninges and vertebral column.
Maxillary sinus radiograph
A frontal radiograph of the maxillary sinuses and the zygomas that allows direct comparison of both sides.
Metastatic pyemia
Multiple abscesses resulting from infected pyemic thrombi.
Monocrotic pulse
A pulse in which the sphygmogram shows a simple ascending and descending uninterrupted line and no dicrotism. A pulse in which there is a complete absence of dicrotism.