Category: M
Mental tubercle
A small tubercle on either side of the midline of the chin.
Muscular trophoneurosis
Muscular changes in connection with nervous disorders.
Model trimmer
A rotary flat grinder used to trim dental plaster or stone casts. Water keeps the cutting surface clean and obviates any dust problem as the casts are squared into proper study models.
Mylohyoid triangle
The triangular space formed by the mylohyoid muscle and the two bellies of the digastric muscle.
Muscular tremor
Slight oscillating muscular contractions in rhythmical order.
Mechanical transmission
The passive transfer of causative agents of disease, especially by arthropods. This may be indirect, as when flies pick up organisms from excreta of humans or animals and deposit them on food, or direct, as when they pick up organisms from the body of a diseased individual and directly inoculate them into the body of…
Magnetization transfer
In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a technique that improves imaging of the white matter of the brain.
Mechanical traction
The use of a device or mechanical linkage (i.e., pulleys and weights) to apply a traction force.
Maxillomandibular traction
Traction applied to the maxilla and mandible by means of elastic or wire ligatures and interdental wiring or splints.
Manual traction
The application of traction to the joints of the spine or extremities by a therapist trained to know appropriate positions and intensities for the force.