Category: M
Maxillary sinus floor (syn)
Antral floor. Inferior wall of the maxillary sinus, in relation with the maxillary roots of the molars and premolars, or the edentulous ridge.
Maxillary sinus aplasia
Developmental pathology characterized by the failure of the maxillary sinus to develop. It is diagnosed radiologically by an opaque maxillary antrum. It may be misdiagnosed as a sinusitis or a neoplasm.
Maxillary sinus (syn)
Antrum of Highmore, maxillary antrum. Air cavity in the body of the maxilla that is lined by the Schneiderian membrane consisting of a pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium. It normally lies superior to the roots of the maxillary premolars and molars and generally extends anteroposteriorly from the canine or premolar region to the molar or tuberosity…
Maxillary rhinosinusitis
A bacterial infection within the maxillary sinus with radiographic signs of an air–fluid level at its acute stage. Symptoms include purulent nasal discharge, nasal congestion, and facial pain. As the condition progresses from acute to chronic, anaerobic bacteria become the predominant pathogens. It is considered chronic if it does not resolve in 6 weeks and/or…
Maxillary retention cyst
A secretion cyst, not usually seen radiographically, that is caused by blockage of the seromucinous gland duct. As secretions collect, they expand the duct, producing a cyst that is encompassed by respiratory or cuboidal epithelium. It may be located on the sinus floor, near the ostium, or within antral polyps. It may be caused by…
Maxillary pseudocyst
A nonsecreting cyst within the maxillary sinus that is usually present on the sinus floor and is caused by accumulation of fluid between the sinus membrane and the sinus floor. It is not a true cyst because it lacks an epithelial lining.
Maxillary protraction
A condition in which the upper jaw bone (maxillae) volume of bone and its supporting tissue structures are less than normal for the size of the mandibular bone and its supporting tissue structures.
Maxillary micrognathia
A condition in which the volume of maxillae bone is less than normal and usually visible as smaller bone structures found in the middle third of the face. This smaller middle third of the face occludes with a normal‐sized mandible (lower third of the face).
Maxillary artery
A branch of the external carotid artery that arises behind the neck of the mandible. It passes forward between the mandibular ramus and the sphenomandibular ligament, towards the pterygopalatine fossa. It supplies the deep structures of the face, and may be divided into mandibular, pterygoid, and pterygopalatine portions. The artery on either side of the…
Paired bone making up a large part of the facial skeleton, including the body of the maxilla and the frontal, palatine, alveolar, and nasal processes. Maxillae, one of a pair of large bones that form the upper jaw. It consists of a pyramidal body and four processes; contains sockets for the 16 upper teeth; and…