Category: M
Metal housing (syn)
Metal encapsulator. Part of an attachment mechanism incorporated in a removable prosthesis. The interchangeable retentive component is inserted in the metal housing and replaced when necessary. Metallic enclosure in a removable prosthesis into which replaceable plastic retentive elements are placed to stabilize the restoration.
Metal collar
A narrow band of highly polished metal immediately adjacent to the facial/buccal margin on a metal‐ceramic restoration.
Metal ceramic restoration
A tooth‐and/or implant‐retained fixed dental prosthesis that uses a metal substructure upon which a ceramic veneer is fused.
Metal artifact
Metal objects in the scan field can lead to severe streaking artifacts. This presents a loss of detail, transferring as a loss of information in the reconstruction of a 3D model.
Metabolic syndrome
A combination of medical disorders that, when occurring together, increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes. syndrome—a cluster of health problems that include insulin resistance, abnormal blood fats, and borderline or elevated blood pressure; associated with chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. A cluster of health problems that include insulin resistance,…
The part of a reconstruction that couples the dental implant complex (infrastructure) to the superstructure.
The location of a tooth nearer than normal to the median line of the face along the dental arch.
Near or toward the centerline of the dental arch; toward the median sagittal plane of the face, following the curvature of the dental arch. In dentistry, relating to the middle of the front of the jaw, or occurring in a place near this. Relating to or located in the middle part of something. A term…
A general term used to describe the surface referencing of a scanned point cloud resulting in a 3D object typically composed of triangular faces. A mesh object has no true curvature. The appearance of curvature is achieved by increasing the number of faces (level of detail). A prosthetic patch or fabric used to repair or…
Mass of tissue that develops primarily from the mesoderm (i.e., the middle layer of the trilaminar germ disk) of an embryo. Viscous in consistency, mesenchyme contains collagen bundles and fibroblasts and later differentiates into blood vessels, blood‐related organs, and connective tissues. Embryonic tissue that forms connective tissue, blood, and smooth muscles. The undifferentiated tissue of…