Category: M

  • MGCS (abbrev)

    Medical‐grade calcium sulfate.  

  • Metronidazole

    Antiprotozoal and antibacterial drug (C6H9N3O3) with a spectrum confined to obligate anaerobes, some microaerophilic organisms, and some anaerobic protozoa that act to damage or inhibit DNA synthesis; may induce a disulfiram‐like reaction. This antibiotic is commonly used to treat periodontitis and periimplantitis infections caused by gramnegative anaerobic pathogens. A yellow antibiotic compound, used especially in…

  • Methylprednisolone

    An intramuscular, intravenous, and oral glucocorticoid with an intermediate half‐life. A mineralcorticoid drug with an action comparable to that of prednisolone, but effective at a somewhat lower dose. A corticosteroid medication employed in the management of intense asthma, skin inflammation, inflammatory bowel conditions, and specific forms of arthritis. The unfavorable effects align with those of…

  • Methyl methacrylate resin

    A transparent, thermoplastic acrylic resin used in dentistry by mixing liquid methyl methacrylate monomer with the polymer powder. The resultant mixture forms a pliable plastic termed dough, which is packed into a mold prior to initiation of polymerization.  

  • Metastasis (metastasize)

    Transfer of disease from one body part or organ to another not directly connected to it. Classically, the transfer of cells, as in malignant tumors, or the transfer of pathogenic microorganisms. Is the movement or spreading of cancer cells from one organ or tissue to another. The spread of cancer from one part of the…

  • Metaplasia

    A change from one adult cell type to another form which is not normal to that tissue. Transformation of one type of one mature differentiated cell type into another mature differentiated cell type. A change of one tissue to another. Conversion of a normal tissue into an abnormal form; typically noted on microscopic examination by…

  • Metaphysis

    Growing part of a long bone, consisting of the epiphysial cartilage plate united with the diaphysis by columns of trabecular bone. Is the portion of a long bone between the epiphyses and the diaphysis of the femur. The end of the central section of a long bone, where the bone grows and where it joins…

  • Metamerism

    Pairs of objects that match in a given hue of light but not in others.  

  • Metameric pair

    Two objects matching in apparent color under some lighting conditions but not others.  

  • Metamer

    One of two objects whose colors appear to match when viewed under certain conditions but under alternative viewing conditions may appear different. Something similar to but different from something else (e.g., isomers of chemical compounds).