Category: M
A cell of the pituitary that produces melanocyte-stimulating hormone.
Melanotic macule
A small, brown to black lesion of the oral mucosa that is usually less than 1 cm in diameter, solitary, and asymptomatic. In most instances, this type of macule is benign and requires no therapy. It can, however, be due to melanoma, which will require vigorous therapy without delay. When it is benign, it may…
A disorder of pigment metabolism characterized by excessive deposits of melanin (a brown, black, or blue pigment) in the skin or other tissues.
Condition marked by pigmented patches on the tongue and buccal mucosa.
A phagocytic cell that contains ingested melanin.
Black pigmentation of the nails. Darkening of the fingernails or toenails; may be seen as a black band within the nail plate, extending from the base to the free edge. A fingernail or toenail displaying a black or dark hue is often caused by an accumulation of the pigment melanin. This often appears as a…
Formation of numerous melanomas on or beneath the skin.
Melanoleukoderma colli
Mottled skin of the neck sometimes seen in syphilis.
A colorless substance that can be converted into melanin. The precursor substance involved in the creation of melanin.
A malignant epithelioma containing melanin.