Category: L
An apparatus used for finding foreign bodies or exact anatomical locations during radiography.
lobule of testis
Pyramidal divisions separated from each other by incomplete partitions called septa. Each consists of one to three coiled seminiferous tubules.
Lobule of lung
Physiological units of the lung consisting of a respiratory bronchiole and its branches (alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs, and alveoli).
Lobule of liver
A roughly hexagonal structure consisting of hepatic cells arranged in spoke-like plates around a central vein; sinusoids are between the cellular plates. At the periphery are branches of the hepatic artery, portal vein, and interlobular bile ducts.
Lobule of kidney
Subdivision of the renal cortex consisting of a medullary ray and surrounding nephrons.
Lobule of breast
Subdivisions of the lobes of the mammary glands. They are composed of multiple alveoli surrounding tiny ducts that secrete breast milk components. The lactiferous ducts are formed from the merging of the secretory ducts from several lobules.
Lobular capillary hemangioma
The preferred term for the skin lesion that is more commonly referred to as a “pyogenic granuloma” or “proud flesh.”
A fungal infection of the cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues in which nodules resembling keloids, plaques or warts form on the skin. It is caused by Lacazia loboi and typically found in tropical climes of South or Central America. Treatment is surgical.
Loboa loboi
Fungus that causes keloidal blastomycosis (lobomycosis). It has been identified in tissues but has not been cultured.
Indian tobacco, also known colloquially as “puke weed.” It is a perennial, flowering plant that is an expectorant and emetic. It has been used in complementary medicine as a treatment for asthma.