Category: L
Lacrimal process
A short process of the inferior concha that articulates with the lacrimal bone.
Longitudinal presentation
Presentation in which the long axis of the fetus is parallel to the long axis of the mother.
Liquid junction potential
The potential voltage developed in an electrode measurement system at the point where two solutions are in contact. Most often the solutions are the test solution and a liquid bridging solution such as saturated KC1, although any liquid-liquid interface may be involved. An example is the pH reference electrode.
Late potential
Deflections found on signalaveraged electrocardiograms that follow the QRS complex, and point to an increased likelihood of ventricular dysrhythmias. These deflections represent delays in electrical conduction through the ventricles.
Loose-packed position
The position of a joint where it is unlocked and free to move.
Left lateral recumbent position
A position with the patient on the left side, right knee and thigh drawn up; employed in vaginal examination.
Lawn-chair position
A colloquial term for a dorsal recumbent position with the hips and knees flexed slightly (about 5°- 10°).
Lateral position
In radiology, a side-lying position, which allows the central ray to enter the upright side.
Laryngeal polyp
A polyp attached to the vocal cords and extending to the air passageway.
Live oral poliovirus vaccine
A standard preparation of one type or a combination of the three types of live, attenuated polioviruses. In 1999, an advisory panel to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that live oral poliovirus no longer be used routinely because it has caused 8 to 10 cases of polio each year. This risk is…