Category: L
Consisting of flat plates. The structure made of small plates, such as the bony concentric layers surrounding the Haversian canals. A thin sheet of tissue. A thin disc placed under the eyelid to apply a drug to the eye. A small medicated tablet or disc placed inside the lower eyelid for treating eye infections. A…
Milky, or producing a milky juice.
The highly reduced perianth of the grasses.
A syrupy medication having a local action in the mucus membrane of the throat.
Woody plants with elongate flexible, non-supporting stems.
Plants or their chemicals are tested on molecules or cells (in vitro) or in animal models (in vivo). They are significant if independent research groups show similar effects in a variety of different study types for one effect. These studies provide vital information on how, but not if, the plant works on the human brain,…
Leukorrhea (or leucorrhea)
Discharge of white or yellow fluid from the vagina, often caused by an overgrowth of Candida albicans. A white or yellowish mucopurulent vaginal discharge. A white or yellow mucous discharge from the vagina. Excessive vaginal mucus discharge, but not a disease entity within itself. A condition caused by a chemical, physical irritation, dysfunction, or infection.…
A genus of gram-positive, acid-resistant bacteria in the Lactobacillaceae family. We know of lactobacillus because of its use in making yogurt and the conventional wisdom of taking it in one form or another after antibiotic therapy, but it is an integral part of the colon and mouth flora, and is the critical acidifying agent in…
An Anglo-Saxon book of medicine.
An Anglo-Saxon word for a healer. The art of the leech is leechcraft or leechdom. A blood-sucking parasitic worm which lives in water, occasionally used in specialist procedures. Worm, some species of which are parasitic, sucking blood from humans and other animals. Leeches were once commonly used in medicine for blood-letting. A flat, ringed, carnivorous…