Category: K
A solution used in preserving pathological specimens.
Kader’s operation
The surgical formation of a gastric fistula with the feeding tube inserted through a valvelike flap.
Kinetic hallucination
A sensation of flying or of moving the body or a part of it.
Kinky hair
Short, sparse, tightly twisted hair that may be poorly pigmented.
Kolliker’s interstitial granule
A granule in the sarcoplasm of a striated muscle fiber.
Keloidal folliculitis
Chronic dermatitis with production of hard papules that join together to form hypertrophied scars.
Kinetic chain exercises
An exercise that requires the foot (or hand) to apply pressure against a plate, pedal, or ground. This rehabilitation concept was determined by the anatomical functional relationship in the lower extremities. Kinetic chain exercises are more functional than open-chain exercises, in which the foot is off the ground and the force is generated by the…
A genus of tropical trees that produce the kola nut. A kola nut extract is used in pharmaceutical preparations and as a main ingredient in some carbonated beverages.
Kinetic chain
A series of bones connected by joints. Movement of one segment influences other parts of the chain.
Kissing bug
Several species of the family Reduviidae. Melanolestes picipes is the common kissing bug, or black corsair.