Category: K
Kawa model
The title of a text by Michael Iwama that proposes a model of occupational therapy based on Eastern philosophical principles.
The active ingredient derived from kava; it has a sedative effect on the central nervous system. Its use has been banned in Canada and Western Europe as a result of idiosyncratic cases of severe liver injury.
Kaufman assessment battery for children
A test consisting of 16 subtests, used to assess cognitive development in children ages 3 to 18. This intelligence test, consisting of both verbal and nonverbal subtests, asks children to place objects in order or logical sequence. It may be used alone or with other intelligence tests to gauge overall intelligence,
Katayama fever
A systemic allergic reaction to invasion of the body by Schistosoma larvae. It is marked by fevers, an urticarial rash, cough, enlargement of the lymph nodes and viscera, and eosinophilia.
A measure of the activity of an enzyme, specifically the quantity of an enzyme that catalyzes one mole of substrate production each second.
Kashin-Beck disease
Endemic polyarthritis typically found in children in Tibet, China, and neighboring regions. Its cause is unknown, but it is associated with the consumption of grains contaminated with fungi, with selenium deficiency, and possibly with iodine deficiency.
Kasai procedure
A procedure performed to treat biliary atresia in the newborn.
Kasabach-Merritt syndrome
Capillary hemangioma associated with thrombocytopenic purpura.
Living in the cell nucleus, as would occur with an intracellular protozoal parasite.
Fragmentation of the chromatin in nuclear disintegration.