Category: J
A massive fruit with yellow pulp that can weigh over 40 pounds, resembling the breadfruit. In Asia, the whole fruit is commonly utilized in a range of dishes, either cooked or raw.
Jack cheese
A variety of cheese similar to Cheddar, often having a pale ivory hue. It was first crafted in Monterey, California and is occasionally referred to as Monterey Jack.
Japanese artichoke
The subterranean rhizomes of a long-lasting herbaceous plant are highly prized for their saccharine sapor which mirrors that of the globe artichoke once they are cooked by boiling or frying. This plant is additionally referred to as Chinese artichoke, crosne, and stachys.
Juvenile resistance
Upon initial stages of host development, evidence of resistance has been identified.
Juice therapy
The ingestion of sundry wholesome juices via oral means to thwart illnesses and uphold well-being.
Job stress
The roles, tasks, or demands of one’s work exceeding one’s capacities.
Job strain
The harmful consequences that result from exposure to job stressors.
Job demands-control
A model of organizational stress that states that when a worker experiences high psychological demands paired with minimal control then job strain occurs.
John G. Taylor (1931- )
A mathematical physicist at King’s College, London, and an ardent believer in Uri Geller’s psychic abilities, particularly his metal bending by mental power. Taylor went further and believed that many children shared this power. So convinced was he that he appeared on television in Britain in support of Geller and this psychic phenomenon, and wrote…
John cleves symmes
Hollow Earth theorist. Symmes saw Earth as made up of five concentric spheres with openings at each of the poles, several thou¬ sand miles in diameter. Water from the oceans flowed through these openings and plants and animal life lived on both the convex and the concave sides of the spheres. He thought this construction,…