Category: J
Jerusalem artichoke
The Jordan almond is not from Jordan, but at least it is an almond. The Jerusalem artichoke, on the other hand, is not only not from Jerusalem, it is not even an artichoke. Instead, the Jerusalem artichoke is a tuber, much like a potato, and is native to North and South America. The vegetable was…
Although Java has become a slang name for coffee, the word originally meant barley: thousands of years ago, an Indonesian island famous for its barley acquired the Sanskrit name Yavadvipa, yava meaning barley, and dvipa meaning island. In time, the name of the island shortened to just Yava, which in English became Java. Because the…
Jumping genes
Genes that move (change positions) within the genome. Genes associated with transposable elements. A segment fragment of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that can move from one position in the genome to another.
Japan bio-industry association
An association of the largest Japanese companies that are engaged in at least some form of genetic engineering research or production. Similar to America’s Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO), it is headquartered in Tokyo.
Jones, Ernest (1879-1958)
English psychoanalyst, an early pupil of Freud and his principal biographer, who introduced psychoanalpsis to the English-speaking world.
Joint commission on mental illness and health
A multidisciplinary agency, incorporated in 1956 and representing 36 national agencies in the mental health and welfare fields. It conducted a five-year study of the mental health needs of the nation between 1956 and 1961 as authorized by the U.S. Congress in the Mental Health Study Act of 1955. The final report of the Joint…
Joint commission on mental health of children
A multidisciplinary agency authorized by the U.S. Congress in 1965 (PL 89-97) and established in 1966 to study and report on the nation’s “resources, methods, and practices for diagnosing or preventing emotional illness in children and of treating, caring for, and rehabilitating children with emotional illness.” Its final report, “Crisis in Child Mental Health: Challenge…
Joint commission on accreditation of hospitals (JCAH)
The agency that surveys and accredits hospitals and some other health facilities and programs as fulfilling their standards. A private, non-profit organization whose purpose is to encourage the attainment of uniformly high standards of institutional medical care. Comprised of representatives of the American Hospital Association, American Medical Association, American College of Physicians, and American College…
Janet, Pierre (1859-1947)
French psychiatrist who formulated theories of hysterical conversion and dissociative conditions based on constitutional factors rather than psychodynamic ones. First to use the term la belle indijference.
Just in time
Delivery of materials and supplies as the factory needs them, thus eliminating costly inventories and possible use of last-minute defective materials.