Category: J

  • Judgment of line orientation test

    A neuropsychiatric test to assess visual/spatial orientation. The full test consists of 30 items (a shorter version consists of 15).  

  • Journaling

    Keeping a diary or journal as a means of self-exploration, stress reduction, or enlightenment. Studies have shown that journaling can help relieve symptoms of disease such as asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes. It has also been found to improve socialization and relieve depression in seniors who are in journaling workshops with others.  

  • Jones fracture

    A transverse fracture of the proximal diaphysis, approx. 34 in from the base of the fifth metatarsal. This fracture is commonly confused with an avulsion fracture of the styloid process of the fifth metatarsal. The distinction is important because the true Jones fracture often results in a nonunion if the fracture is not properly identified…

  • Jones criteria

    The criteria for diagnosis of acute rheumatic fever.  

  • Joint protection

    A technique for minimizing stress on joints, including proper body mechanics and the avoidance of continuous weight-bearing or deforming postures.  

  • Joint play

    The motions of sliding, rolling, spinning, or compressing that occur between bony surfaces within a joint when the bones move through ranges of motion.  

  • Joint mice

    Free bits of cartilage or bone present in the joint space, especially the knee joint. These are usually the result of previous trauma, and may or may not be symptomatic.  

  • Joint approximation

    A rehabilitation technique whereby joint surfaces are compressed together while the patient is in a weight-bearing posture for the purpose of facilitating cocontraction of muscles around a joint.  

  • Jogging

    Running for enjoyment or to maintain physical fitness. In contrast to running, jogging is not a competitive exercise and is performed at a submaximal intensity.  

  • Jogger’s heel

    An irritation of the fibrous and fatty tissue covering the heel. The condition is due to the type of running characteristic of jogging, in which the heel strikes the surface first, rather than that of sprinting, in which the toes strike first. Persons prone to develop this may diminish the risk by wearing pads on…