Category: J
Juniper tar
A volatile oil obtained from the wood of Juniperus oxycedrus. It is used in shampoos and bath emulsions.
A family of oncogenes that can transform some normal cells (e.g., rat embryo cells) into cancer cells. All members of this family can bind to activating protein-1 (AP-1) sites and to specific DNA sequences.
Jumping frenchmen of maine
A condition characterized by a sudden, single, sometimes violent movement or cry that occurs in response to a sharp, unexpected sound or touch. The individual may also blurt out whatever was being thought of at the time of the stimulus. The condition may begin in childhood and be lifelong. It has been most frequently described…
Julian date
In medical records, identifying a calendar date by using a code for the day of the year. Each day is numbered sequentially from 1 through 365, or 366 on leap years.
The conversion of vegetables and fruits into consumable liquids.
Jugum petrosum
An eminence on the petrous section of the temporal bone showing the position of the superior semicircular canal.
Jugum penis
A forceps for temporarily compressing the penis.
The sudden arrest of a disease by therapeutic means.
To quickly arrest a process or disease by therapeutic measures.
Judgment sample
A research cohort whose members are chosen because they share a common set of qualities. Because of the selection criteria used in assembling the group, the judgment sample is not random, and the conclusions drawn from research on such a sample do not have broad applicability to the larger community.