Category: I
A device for determining the amount of air inspired.
Inspiratory hold
A ventilating maneuver in which the delivered volume of gas is held in the lung for a while before expiration; called a plateau or ledge at end inspiration. Also called grunt breathing.
Inspiratory capacity
The maximum amount of air a person can breathe in after a resting expiration. The amount of air that can be inhaled into the lungs at maximum capacity after a regular exhalation.
The passage of material into the blood, as when substances move from the gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream.
In silico
The mimicking or modeling of biological processes within computer hardware and software.
Insensible protein losses
The loss of nitrogen-containing compounds in sweat and other body fluids exuded from the body through hair and skin.
The process of growing old or the approaching of old age.
An order of small mammals, including moles and shrews.
A class of the phylum Arthropoda characterized by three distinct body divisions (head, thorax, abdomen), three pairs of jointed legs, tracheae, and usually two pairs of wings. Insects are of medical significance in that some are parasitic, some are vectors of pathogenic organisms, and some are annoying pests causing injury by their bites or stings.…
The body of a prescription, which gives the names of the drug(s) prescribed and the dosage.