Category: I

  • Interference of impulses

    A condition in which two excitation waves, upon approaching each other and meeting in any part of the heart, are mutually extinguished.  

  • Interface

    A connection between systems allowing access and exchange of information. An interface can occur between humans and devices (user interface), networks, or software components. Let us explore the concept of the interface or partition existing between two distinct media or tissues, such as the demarcation between the wall of the urinary bladder and the wall…

  • Interest checklist

    Any assessment approach used to determine an individual’s unique play, leisure, or work interests.  

  • Intercurrent disease

    A disease occurring during the course of an unrelated disease. An ailment that develops in a patient who is already afflicted with another illness. For example, if a patient with chronic heart disease subsequently acquires pneumonia, the pneumonia is considered the intercurrent disease.  

  • Intercristal

    Between two crests of a bone, organ, or process.  

  • Intercricothyrotomy

    The surgical separation of the cricothyroid membrane in order to incise the larynx.  

  • Intercostobrachial

    To the intercostal space and the arm, as the posterior lateral branch of the second intercostal nerve supplying the skin of the arm, or a similar branch of the third intercostal nerve; formerly called intercostohumeralis.  

  • Interchange

    In dispensing drugs, the use of a generic form of the drug in place of the proprietary form.  

  • Intercerebral

    Between the two cerebral hemispheres.  

  • Intercept

    The point at which the line representing a function intersects an axis.