Category: I
The interval between two paroxysms of a disease, e.g., the quiet period between two seizures or the comfortable period between two episodes of fever.
Between any two contiguous metatarsals.
Between any two contiguous metacarpals.
Intermediate but not central.
Intermediate reaction
The production of a compound during the synthesis of another compound. The first compound is ultimately converted to the final product.
Inflammation of the pleura separating the pulmonary lobes.
An anthropometric line between the tips of the two angles of the mandible.
Interferon gamma assay for tuberculosis
Any test for latent tuberculosis that relies on the amount of interferon gamma (IFN-y) released by T cells that have been previously exposed to mycobacterial antigens. One such test, the whole blood assay, is performed by withdrawing about 1 ml of whole blood from the vein of a patient. This blood is heparinized, to prevent…
An optical device that acts on the interference of two beams of light, permitting examination of the structure of spectral lines. It is also used in examining prisms of lenses for faults.
Interferential current
A form of electrotherapy in which currents of a specific frequency (4000 Hz) are used to alleviate pain or facilitate healing in deep body tissues.