Category: I
A muscle that rotates a part inward.
Any list of items, especially items to describe an individual’s personality.
Invasive procedure
A procedure in which the body is penetrated or entered (e.g., by use of a tube, needle, device, or ionizing radiation).
In vacuo
Within a cavity or a space from which air has been exhausted.
An enzyme that converts inulin to levulose.
The portion of intestine that receives the intussusceptum. The segment of intestine that is enveloped by the intussuscipiens, together creating an intussusception.
The inner segment of intestine that has been pushed into another segment. The segment of intestine that is enveloped by the intussuscipiens, together creating an intussusception.
A device for controlling, directing, and placing an intubation tube within the trachea, blood vessel, or heart (as in Swan-Ganz catheter placement).
Conveying or injecting into a cavity or body.
Intraventricular conduction delay
Abnormally slow conduction of electricity through the ventricular walls of the heart, resulting in a QRS complex on the electrocardiogram that lasts longer than 0.12 sec but less than 0.16 sec. IVCD is sometimes referred to as an incomplete bundle branch block,