Category: I
Instant dry nonfat milk
Dried skimmed milk that may be stored at room temperature until needed and then reconstituted by adding water to the granules.
Internal migration of ovum
Passage of the ovum from the ovary through the fallopian tube to the uterus.
Intermediate mesoderm
Mesoderm lying between somite and lateral mesoderm, and giving rise to embryonic and definitive kidneys and their ducts.
Incidental memory
The mental storage of information that occurs passively (i.e., without conscious effort).
Implicit memory
Recall that is preserved when the patient is given a cue to help retrieve information but deficient without such cues.
Impaired memory
The state in which a person experiences the inability to remember or recall bits of information or behavioral skills. Impaired memory may be attributed to pathophysiological or situational causes that are either temporary or permanent.
Interosseous membrane
A fibrous membrane in the arm connecting ulna to radius.
Internal limiting membrane
The inner layer of ependymal cells lining the embryonic neural tube.
In situ melanoma
A superficial melanoma that has not yet invaded deep layers of the skin or spread to local or distant tissues.
Intravenous medication
The injection of a sterile solution of a drug or an infusion into a vein.