Category: I
Internuclear ophthalmoplegia
Loss of the normal paired movements of the eyes when tracking an object to the left or right. An INO is marked by the failure of one eye (e.g., the left) to cross the midline during an attempt to see an object on the opposite side of the body (e.g., the right). A disturbance of…
Infection control nurse
A registered nurse employed by an agency to monitor the rate and causes of nosocomial infections and to promote measures to prevent such infections.
Interstitial nucleus of Cajal
A nucleus in the superior portion of the midbrain. It receives fibers from the vestibular nuclei, basal ganglia, and occipital regions of the cerebral cortex. The efferent fibers pass to the ipsilateral and contralateral fasciculi and the interstitio-spinal tracts. It is involved in coordinate eye movements.
Interpeduncular nucleus
A nucleus of the midbrain near the superior border of the pons. It receives fibers of the habenulopeduncular tract.
Inferior olivary nucleus
A large convoluted mass of gray matter lying in the ventral part of the medulla oblongata and forming part of the reticular system. It gives rise to fibers of the olivocerebellar tract.
Interclavicular notch
A rounded notch at the top of the manubrium of the sternum between the surfaces articulating with the clavicles.
Intradermal nevus
A nevus in which the melanocytes are found in nests in the dermis and have no connection with the deeper layers from which they were formed.
Intraocular neuritis
Neuritis of the retinal fibers of the optic nerve causing disturbed vision, contracted field, enlarged blind spot, and fundus findings such as exudates, hemorrhages, and abnormal condition of the blood vessels. Treatment depends on the cause (e.g., brain tumor, meningitis, syphilis, nephritis, diabetes).
Interstitial neuritis
Neuritis involving the connective tissue of a nerve.
Intercostal neuralgia
Pain between the ribs. It is frequently associated with eruption of herpes zoster on the chest, and with costochondritis, an inflammatory condition of the ribs and their cartilage. Neuralgia that occurs along the nerves encircling the chest, often linked with herpes zoster.