Category: I

  • Intraventricular pressure

    The pressure within the ventricles of the heart during different phases of diastole and systole.  

  • Intra-abdominal pressure

    Pressure within the abdominal cavity, such as that caused by descent of the diaphragm. Intra-abdominal pressure refers to the pressure within the abdominal cavity. This pressure increases during activities such as coughing, crying, and the exertion of pressure while straining during a bowel movement.  

  • Inspiratory pressure

    The pressure in the lungs during the inhalation of a breath.  

  • Intraligamentary pregnancy

    Pregnancy that occurs within the broad ligament.  

  • Interstitial pregnancy

    Rare condition in which the zygote implants in the portion of the fallopian tube that traverses the wall of the uterus.  

  • Intestinal portal

    The opening of the midgut or yolk sac into the foregut or hindgut of an embryo.  

  • Immune polysaccharide

    Polysaccharides in bacteria, especially in the cell wall, that are antigenic.  

  • Inactivated poliovirus vaccine

    A poliovirus vaccine recommended for the prevention of paralytic poliomyelitis. The vaccine, which contains inactivated types I, II, and III polioviruses, is suitable for parenteral administration to all infants and children.  

  • Iron poisoning

    Acute poisoning usually caused by the accidental ingestion (usually by infants or small children) of iron-containing medications intended for use by adults. In the U.S., about 20,000 accidental iron exposures are reported each year. A potentially life-threatening ailment arises from the consumption of excessive quantities of iron supplements, commonly encountered when ingesting iron formulations intended…

  • Isoionic point

    The pH at which a solution of ionized material has as many negative as positive ions.