Category: I

  • Infundibular recess

    A small projection of the third ventricle that extends into the infundibular stalk of the hypophysis.  

  • Immunologic receptor

    A receptor on the surface of white blood cells that identifies the type of cell and links with monokines, lymphokines, or other chemical mediators during the immune response.  

  • Induced radioactivity

    Temporary radioactivity of a substance that has been exposed to a radioactive element.  

  • Infrared radiator

    A device for transmitting infrared rays.  

  • Intraoperative radiation therapy

    The administration of a large dose of radiation to a malignant tumor during surgery. After the tumor is debulked, the surrounding tissues are displaced, temporarily sutured, or protected by the applicator shield. The applicator then delivers a large dose of radiation directly to the affected tissues. IORT is used, e.g., to manage otherwise un-resectable tumors.…

  • Ionizing radiation injury

    Damage to cells and intracellular molecules by x-rays, gamma rays, radionuclides, or other sources of radioactive energy. In sufficient doses, radioactive energy can damage the cytoplasm and the genetic material of the cell, leading to organ dysfunction (especially in rapidly dividing tissues such as the skin and the lining of the gastrointestinal tract), mutations, inhibition…

  • Irritative radiation

    An overdose of ultraviolet irradiation resulting in erythema and, in exceptional cases, blister formation.  

  • Interstitial radiation

    Radiation treatment accomplished by inserting sealed sources of a particle emitter directly into tissues.  

  • Intestinal putrefaction

    The chemical changes by bacteria in the intestine, forming in dole, skatole, paracresol, phenol, phenylpropionic acid, phenylacetic acid, paraoxyphenylacetic acid, hydroparacumaric acid, fatty acids, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, methane, methylmercaptan, and sulfurated hydrogen.  

  • Ichorous pus

    Pus that is thin with shreds of sloughing tissue. It may have a fetid odor.