Category: I
Interdental septum
The bony partition across the alveolar process between adjacent teeth that forms part of the tooth sockets.
Immunomagnetic separation
The detection and/or harvesting of samples containing specific antigens based on their collection by antibodies attached to magnetized beads. The bead-bound antigens can be separated from materials that are not of interest in a magnetic field.
Infantile scurvy
A form of scurvy that sometimes follows the prolonged use of condensed milk, sterilized milk, or proprietary foods that do not contain supplementary vitamin C.
Inflammatory scoliosis
Scoliosis due to disease of the vertebrae.
Ilial roll
A sausage-shaped mass in the left iliac fossa. It is due to a collection of feces in or induration of the walls of the sigmoid colon.
Ineffective role performance
A change in patterns of behavior and self-expression that do not match the environmental context, norms, and expectations.
Interureteric ridge
A ridge between the openings of the ureters in the bladder.
Interosseous ridge
A ridge on the fibula for attachment of the interosseous membrane.
Infectious rhinitis
Rhinitis due to infections of the nasal mucosa.
Inflammatory rheumatism
An old term for any form of arthritis in which there is significant joint inflammation (e.g., gouty, infectious, or rheumatoid arthritis).